Enlarge / Wyze's controller is a simple way to give a 50-year-old garage door opener an upgrade. (credit: Tim Stevens)
The humble garage door opener has gained a lot of smarts over the years. New models come complete with battery backups and wireless connectivity, even niceties like laser proximity detectors. But, if you live in a house of an older provenance, the machine that hauls your garage door up and down is probably a simpler sort.
The openers in my garage pre-date the Reagan administration. They're Genie models made of stamped metal and painted a period-appropriate shade of avocado green. They are about as far from smart as a device can get.
Thankfully, the Internet of things, or IoT, is here to help inject a little more IQ into even vintage openers like these. The $54.98 Wyze Garage Door Controller is one of the latest. Yes, Wyze, the company known for its impossibly cheap home security cameras. At just $35 a pop, I've peppered my property with many of the company's little white wireless, waterproof streamers.
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