Enlarge / Guybrush Threepwood's enthusiasm to meet some character archetypes from Sea of Thieves does not seemingly match that of his creator. (credit: Rare/LucasFilm Games)
If Microsoft's Rare studio and Disney's Lucasfilm Games (formerly LucasArts) want to make a Monkey Island crossover DLC for Sea of Thieves, they do not, in fact, have to ask the original game's creator, Ron Gilbert.
In a Mastodon thread responding to a fan's question on Sunday, Gilbert wrote that, "nope," he wasn't involved with Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island, an expansion to Rare Limited's multiplayer open-world pirate game themed around the iconic Monkey Island point-and-click adventure series. "Wasn't even told about it. Happened behind my back."
Terrible Toybox, the firm with which Gilbert has recently worked to release games like Thimbleweed Park and Return to Monkey Island, attempted to clarify Gilbert's statement on Monday, telling Eurogamer that Disney "did give [Gilbert] a heads-up on the project as a courtesy, but the game was well into development at that point, and he wasn't given the opportunity to be meaningfully involved."
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