WoW: Lich King player hits level 80 just 9 hours after “Classic” server launch - fivenewscrypto
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mardi 27 septembre 2022

WoW: Lich King player hits level 80 just 9 hours after “Classic” server launch

WoW: Lich King player hits level 80 just 9 hours after “Classic” server launch
mardi 27 septembre 2022

Naowh explains how he got to level 80 in Wrath of the Lich King Classic in just a few hours.

When it comes to World of Warcraft's long-demanded "Classic" servers, players understandably want an experience that's identical to the MMO experience they remember from years ago. At least one player has taken that concept to an extreme this week, using years-old exploits to reach the level 80 cap on Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Classic (aka Wrath Classic) servers mere hours after they launched.

Streamer Naowh and his compatriots at Echo Guild announced their level 80 speedrun achievement on Twitter early Tuesday morning. As Naowh explains in an accompanying video, the rapid leveling takes advantage of a bugged Icecrown boss that continually spawns mobs of undead zombies. A player can "tag" those zombies with a single attack, then get full experience for defeating all the zombies when the next mob spawns in.

Naowh said he practiced this method in the live retail version of World of Warcraft before the launch of Wrath Classic servers Monday. "It's still the same to this day in retail," Naowh said. "I'm surprised no one has noticed this."

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