Enlarge / In the new expansion pack The Delicious Last Course, Miss Chalice makes three. (credit: Studio MDHR)
Some people will look at an expansion pack like Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course and make up their minds after a single glance. This $8 add-on's beautiful brutality follows the same path as the original 2017 game Cuphead, a notoriously tough descendant of the Mega Man school of game design. Maybe you love playing games that are as beautiful as they are difficult. Maybe you don't.
I'm here to talk about Last Course because I might be a lot like you. I'm not Last Course's target audience. I never beat the original Cuphead. I have contended that a tough game like this is easier for me to watch than it is to play. But when I saw the expansion's hands-on demo at this month's Summer Game Fest Play Days, I shrugged my shoulders, grabbed a gamepad, and gave it a shot. Might as well occupy myself between other scheduled game demos, I thought.
And then I fell in love. For whatever reason, the demo I played, and my subsequent completion of Last Course's "normal" difficulty content, grabbed me and wouldn't let go—which is why I'm compelled to recommend picking it up.
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